Wednesday, February 18, 2015

High Heels, High Standards: Boy vs Man

Good morning Chickies!

I've been on quite a few dates in my time and with that comes getting to know a lot of different types of guys.  Tall guys, short guys, blue-eyed guys, brown-eyed guys, meat heads, brainiacs--you name it, I've probably been out with the type at least once. (Looking through that list I'm not sure whether to brag or be embarrassed).  But through those experiences I've learned to differentiate between the bad guys and the good guys (although, I have been fooled quite a few times in the dating world).  So, today I'm going to combine two things that I love: lists and dating.  Enjoy!

I have personal experiences with some of these instances which is why I'm so passionate about this post.  And while reading, remember: these circumstances are based on committed relationships, not "flings".  

His Past:

He revels in his past and stews in it. You look through his Facebook/Instagram/Twitter and all you see are pictures of him partying or hanging on girls (this makes him look good in front of his bros).  He is constantly trying to re-live his glory days and has no problem telling you.  Whether has past was good or bad, he can't seem to let it go.

He looks at the mistakes he has made in his past and learns from them. They aren't something he brags about, but things he looks back on as experiences that made him the man he is.  A man doesn't try to erase his past experiences; however, he is sensitive to your feelings in regards to his past (this goes for relationships as well as experiences).

It's your birthday:

He probably forgot about your birthday and made a plan with his bros. What's important to you is never important to him.  Major holidays, anniversaries and birthdays constantly pass without him even acknowledging their existence.

He may not have planned a big, extravagant surprise or present, but he at least wants to spend the day with you.  He constantly wants you to feel special and makes sure you know you are (this doesn't just stop on your birthday). This could be something as simple as giving you flowers, making you dinner, giving you a back rub, etc.  If you're with a man he will know just what to do to make you feel special.


He doesn't care to be around the people who are most important to you.  He would rather be hanging out with his own friends instead of trying to endear himself to your loved ones. Boys are very selfish overall.

He wants your family and friends to love him.  A man wants those closest to you to know how cherished you are. A man will put your family and friends' minds at ease and then end result will be positive.


He doesn't care how you feel and he doesn't bother telling you how he feels. A boy is very closed off and doesn't see the need to sharing feelings with you.

Men aren't "touchy feely", but a man tries his best to protect his woman's feelings. If she is hurt, he tries to find the root of the problem.  Men are fixers.

Future Plans:

He has no direction for his life. He is constantly living in the "here and now" and has no goals in mind for his future. A boy does not have a five year plan, but will make you think he does. Boys are great at manipulating girls because they "only want one thing".

He knows just what he wants and he won't stop until his goals are achieved. He works hard at everything he does and puts 100% into his dreams. He won't jump into anything before he is ready because he wants to be the best husband, father, co-worker and/or boss that he can be.

Until next time,


Monday, February 16, 2015

The Holiday Express: Valentine's Day

Good Morning Chickies!

I'm very sorry for my absence, but between balancing school, work, family and my boyfriend, I've been swamped! My dear friend, Becca, reminded me I need to start blogging once again, so I've decided to oblige.

There are two people in this world: Those who love Valentine's day, and whose who hate Valentine's day.  Knowing I'm a huge girly-girl I'm sure most of you can guess which side of the fence I'm on when it comes to Valentine's day.  Of course I love it!  I love the colors, the season, the flowers.  You name it, I love it.  I just wanted to give a play-by-play of my Valentine's Day just so I could publicly give props to my wonderful partner in crime, Evan.  He knows how important days like this are to me, so he tried his best to make me feel special.  Here is what my day looked like on February 14, 2015:

Every Saturday morning I have breakfast with my parents and then I go grocery shopping with my Mom.  I'm a creature of habit, so there is very little elbow room when it comes to my daily schedule.  So, when my mom nudged me awake at 6:00 am on a Saturday (I usually get up at 3:30 every day, so sleeping in until 7:00 on a Saturday is what I live for) I was shocked, but I knew something was up.  "Why are you waking me up so early?  Are we not eating breakfast together?  What's going on?" My poor mom didn't want to ruin Evan's surprise, so she just said, "you're not having breakfast with us.  Just make sure you're ready by 7:30."

This is the moment where my anxiety starts kicking in.  Of course I know it's nothing bad, but the control freak inside of me keeps saying: you don't know what's going to happen today.  Evan knows you hate surprises.  Why would he do this to you?!  I know, it's stupid, but I always get overly anxious when I'm not in control of any given situation.  I like to know what's going to happen, when it's happening and what time it ends.  If I could, I would plan things a year or more in advance.  Yes, I'm that crazy.  Judge me!

Anyway, at 7:30 my doorbell rings and it's Evan.  He is sporting the matching Guardians of the Galaxy T-shirt I got him for Valentine's Day (yes, I love to match.  Once again, judge me!).  After I give him the biggest hug ever, we are on our way to the best Valentine's day I've had!  He starts driving back to his apartment so he can make me a homemade breakfast (he knows I love it when he cooks for me!  He is way better than I am!) of bacon and eggs.  Poor Evan has such a hard time pleasing my taste buds since I'm so picky, but he did his best trying to make me extra crispy bacon and perfect eggs.  While he is doing this, I'm instructed "to relax and watch whatever I want on TV or Netflix".  Without hesitation or complaints I flip on Hitch and snuggle under a blanket while Evan spoils me.

From there, we went to the Fort Worth Zoo and had a blast (the picture above is us driving there)!  It was really crowded because it was a very nice day here in Texas.  By 1:00 it was 85 degrees!  Here are some pictures of the fun time that was had at the zoo:

I just wanna say "thank you" to that wonderful lady who photo-bombed this picture.  You're famous lady. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame on my page.  

This picture is us entering the zoo.  You can't see it here, but it was so crowded that we could barely move around.  Not to mention, my Map Genius didn't grab a map of the zoo on the way inside.  He felt so blind without a map. 

We got really close to a few animals, but they were all sleeping (except for the baby elephants and the giraffes).  That's what happens when summer comes early in Texas I guess!  I got lucky and Evan posed for a few pictures for me!  What a guy!

We even spotted 10 gingers while we were at the zoo.  TEN!  I kept telling Evan that gingers must be in season.  Or it could be that now I'm with a ginger I see them everywhere.  It's just like when I got my Jeep, now I see Jeeps everywhere.  Eh, food for thought.

That boy loves maps more than anyone I have ever met in my life.  The above pictures are some candid shots I took of Evan examining a couple of maps at the zoo.  If only we wouldn't have forgotten to get the map of the zoo itself.  *sigh*

All in all, we had a wonderful time at the zoo (other than the crowds) and I couldn't have asked for a better guy to go exploring with!  After the zoo we had a typical "Katie 'n' Evan day" at his apartment.  He pampered me with steak, potatoes and wonderful company.  At the end of the night I was so relaxed that I took a late night nap for two hours before he drove me back home.  He always knows just what to do to calm my anxiety and he tries his best to protect me from everyone and everything (including myself).

Thank you for an amazing Valentine's Day, baby! You're the best thing to happen to me in a long time!  I can't wait for even more days like that to come!

Until next time,

This Girl's awesome Valentines