Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blog Challenge, Day 2: 20 facts about me


Hopefully you don't find my 20 facts aren't too dull!

1. My full first name is Kathlynn
2. I have a dog named Jewels aka Ju Ju aka Ju. She is a faux West Highland Terrier
3. I drive a 2015 Jeep Wrangler Sport
4. My Jeep's name is Eureka
5. I have one sibling, an older brother named Caden
6. My parents have been married nearly 26 years and are still madly in love
7. I live in Texas
8. My favorite candy bars are Reese's and Mr. Goodbar
9. I binge watch TV shows on Netflix constantly
10. I'm currently in the middle of The Office
11. My boyfriend, Evan, is a ginger
12. I call him Gingersnap
13. My boyfriend's nicknames for me are Kate, Katie and Kat
14. My Mom's nickname for me is Kake
15. I get very anxious at times
16. Cleaning, breathing exercises, writing, and someone rubbing my arm helps to calm me down
17. When I get tired I tend to get loopy and emotional
18. I have severe allergies in the Fall and Spring
19. My best friend and I have the same name
20. I'm obsessed with painting my nails

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blog Challenge: Day 1

Hey Everybody!

I haven't been very faithful with blogging recently, so I've decided to take on a 31 day challenge to help get myself motivated!

I'm not sure what blogger hasn't introduced themselves on their personal blog, but you can find out more about me here.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow where I will give 20 facts about myself.  Woohoo!