Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Raindrops on Roses: Spring and MilSOs

Good morning,

The Raindrops on Roses segment will be me ranting about things I don't like. By adding a few of my favorite things, hopefully this will appear a little more positive than it truly is. Eh. Probably not.

Today I'm going to rant about some things that really tend to bother me: Spring and MilSOs.

What's wrong with Spring?
Technically, there is nothing wrong with Spring. I would much rather see Daffodils than try to make my way to work on a sheet of ice at 3:30 in the morning. So, I guess that physically Spring trumps Winter by a long shot. However, we all have short memories when it comes to different times of the year. For instance: I was so pumped when it was finally Spring, but what I forgot was that Spring is my mortal enemy. Why do you ask? Because this is me in the spring: 

Yup, that's Li'l 'ole Katie during the Spring season (except not at cute and I've given up even trying to be outside and enjoy the weather). This time of year I think to myself, why would you wish for winter to go away? Why, Katie? WHY?! Waking up and going to bed with sinus headaches isn't really my cup of tea (which is what I usually have to drink buckets of this time of year). Not to mention, with the job that I have I need to be able to communicate verbally and with my allergies I sound like a sick Darth Vader. 

Every time Spring rolls around I feel like something has to end. The reason for this is because every serious relationship I've been in has ended (or has practically come to an end) in the Spring. Most people tell me, "Just get over it. It's in the past". To that I say: Have you ever told someone with anxiety to "just get over it"? If you have, I'm sure that it hasn't ended well for you. These feelings come up and it's very hard to control my emotions (not to mention, it's to the point of being physically painful). Even writing this typing this right now is difficult for me.

Because of my recent Spring freak out, I'm gonna write something personal to Evan. Everyone look away because it's about to get real mushy all up in here!

Evan--you're the best thing to ever happen to me and I'm sorry that you're having to clean up someone else's mess. It's not cool and it's not okay. I will try harder to be a better woman for you and get over this Spring Break-Up feelings I've been having. You're my teammate, my everything, and a lot of times one of the few people that will help me through my panic attacks. You're the best man to ever walk in my life and I'm so glad that you choose to put up with my crazy anxiety. 

What's wrong with MilSOs
Where do I even begin with this section? I didn't realize how clouded about the military lifestyle was until I was out of it. Most MilSOs are 18-20 year old girls who want to get married so they can be with their boyfriend. All they can talk about is their relationships and they don't have any other motivation for making it through life. There are good ones like my realistic friend, Becca, but she is one in a million. Most girls are young, stupid and afraid to talk about the real issues. The life is filled with people having to walk on egg shells around everyone's feelings. That's pretty ironic since those girls should be tough as nails since they are dating men in the military. 

I'm sure that's not the last time I will talk about MilSOs, but I needed to get that little bit out there. It's been a rough few days for me, so venting was a must. 


  1. BAHAHAHAHA! OMG Katie, i'm dying! This is probably the best thing that i have ever read! But no seriously, we are the same person. I hate every season but Summer, and then in Summer i complain because its too humid and too hot. Sigh life of a female. But really though i get allergy shots, my allergies are so crazy. I'm literally allergic to earth in the spring and fall. hahahaha We are the same person. And the MILSO post.....i die Katie, i die. So spot on! And i LOVE being the exception. LOL

    1. This year I'm probably gonna start getting allergy shots. Then we really will be the same person! YAY! Omg. I'm dying with laughter over here. MAKE IT STOP! Lol

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