Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Holiday Express: Fun at a Hockey Game

Good Morning Chickies!

As most of you know, my boyfriend spoils me like crazy. He is constantly trying his best to make me feel special and show me that he cares. I just wanted to share with you all the wonderful date he took me on this Sunday evening. Yes, it was an outing that he wanted to go to, but I'm so happy he asked me to tag along and be his buddy!

The sun was still high in the sky when Evan and I made our way to the American Airlines Center for our special night out to see the St. Louis Blues pummel the Dallas Stars. He had been looking forward to this day for months and I was excited when he initially asked me to go with him (we had only been dating for about 2 weeks when he bought the tickets and asked if I would go with him. It's amazing how sure he was about me from day one!)

The above picture was brought to you the most talented picture-taker ever: My lovely momma! She was patient enough with Evan and I to take several pictures of us that day which was amazing!

Evan's wonderful mother sent the shirt I wore so I would be all decked out in Blues gear. She chose the perfect thing! Every word on the T-shirt was made of up several rhinestones. Perfection. It doesn't surprise me one bit because everything Evan has told me about her leads me to believe that we are a lot alike. So, no surprise that she would pick the perfect style for little 'ole me! Shout out to both of our amazing moms for trying to make our day even more special than it already was! You two are the best!

I wish I took a picture of the American Airlines Center just to post on here, but apparently I was lacking forethought that day. I kept saying to Evan, "I really wish I would have recorded that" or "Man, I should be taking more pictures!" Heaven knows that the boy doesn't take pictures of anything so he was relying on me to to be the photographer. Obviously that always puts pressure on me when we are out anywhere, but it's a burden I'm happy to bear! (And when I say "happy" that also includes teasing him relentlessly because he is so bad about taking pictures. It's the little things in life!)

All of that to say, the AAC is a lot bigger than I remember from my childhood. But we didn't get too close to it before I asked my man, "So, did you grab the tickets?" Evan gave me deer in the headlights look before saying, "No! I totally forgot them in the glove box!" We both sighed heavily and made the trek back to the ever so faithful Kia Soul where our tickets were waiting for us.

After we finally made it to the arena, we found our seats before exploring. We were only 10 rows behind the rink and that just made my Blues Fan giddy with excitement! Even though I'm not too into hockey, I'm always happy when he is happy.


I'm hoping that the above pictures do justice to how close we really were to the players. I've never been that close at any sporting event, so this was so special for me!

The first and second period seemed to go by quickly even though both teams were playing as if they were tired. When the third period rolled around it's like I was looking at two totally different teams. They both started acting like they were hungry to win on that early Texas evening. (I'm hoping you were playing a "Texas themed" shoot out tune in your head. That's how it was intended since I love all the Texas stereotypes.)

Above are just a couple of pictures I took right before the second period. I think these pictures do a better job of showing just how close we really were to the rink. It was awesome to be that close to the action and the players. (And speaking of Texas stereotypes, please ignore the random man in the cowboy hat. That is wrong on so many levels).

After a "scrappy" last period (remember that I know nothing about hockey. I just steal words that Evan says and use them when I think they're right. It's like a hockey word of the day calendar brought to you by Mr. Hockey himself.), the Blues came out with the win!

Above is the picture of the final score. I wanted to get a picture of my Blues Fan in front of it, but they erased it right after the conclusion of the game. I was bummed I didn't get that picture, but we all know the score and who was rooting for them! Speaking of...a little Gingersnap made it on TV that day! Take a look:

It was an awesome night with an awesome guy!

1 comment:

  1. I totally heard that Texas themed shootout when i read that. And cowboy hats.....i knew it. -___- #thatisall
