Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Blog Challenge, Day 4, 5, & 6

I know, I know, I know! I started this challenge to keep myself honest so I would write every day. Hey, life happens! But I'm making up for it by doing a 3-in-one deal for you all today.

Day 4: Earliest Childhood Memory

My first memory is kinda blotchy--almost like a dream. I was probably 3 or 4 years old and I was playing "roll the ball" with one of my friends in church. WOW! Talk about a riveting first memory.

Since that memory is such a riot, I'll also share my most vivid childhood memory. This memory occurred was when I was on a plane with my family and my Dad was teaching me how to color the correct way. Maybe that's one reason why I'm such an obsessive-compulsive perfectionist. Who knows! But what I do know is that there is a correct and incorrect way to do everything. I strive my best to live my life in the "correct" camp as opposed the "incorrect". If you don't believe me, ask anyone who is close with me. They will all be 100% honest on how wonderfully-crazy I am.

Day 5: My Guilty Pleasure

This question is extremely easy to say, so I'll just show you.

Yes, I love all things Bachelor. The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Bachelor in Paradise (I wish they would bring back Bachelor Pad!), you name it I like it. I have been known to pick up magazines just because The Bachelor(ette) and/or a contestant is on the cover. I know, I'm so strange! However, there are a few blogs that keep me entertained during the season as well as the off season: Reality Steve, and Sharleen Joynt.

Reality Steve is the official spoiler of all things Bachelor. If you're like me and can't wait till the finale, his site is the place for you. He doesn't only spoil, but he does so in such a unique way that it becomes it's own form of entertainment. I would recommend his site to anyone watching the show.

Sharleen Joynt is a previous contestant from Juan Pablo's season of The Bachelor. Her site has a strict no spoil zone, but she gives a lot of background information on the show that only a previous contestant would know.

If you're obsessed with this franchise like I am, give these two blogs a try. They keep me engaged during the season!

Day 6: Three Personal Traits I'm Proud of

I'm not gonna lie--it's super awkward for me to brag about myself.

I wear many hats well
Daughter, Granddaughter, Girlfriend, Sister, etc. I wear many hats with my family, friends, co-workers and I believe I do so very well. I try my best to give 100% to everyone in my life who needs me. Hopefully they feel the same.

I'm a leader
I've always marched to a different drummer and that's the way I like it. I have a different view on life and for some reason that's appealing to many people. I've never asked to be followed, but I have been told (on more than one occasion) that I'm a natural leader. Apparently that's appealing? Once again, who knows?!

I'm not afraid to speak my mind
This is a good trait sometimes. I have been known to take it to a level that it should go to.

I'll try to do better about writing consistently!